Persimmon Homes continues to press for permission to build 475 properties on the green gap between Worthing and Ferring despite losing a series of court challenges. The company has refused to consider withdrawing its appeal. The appeal will be considered at a new public inquiry where I will join interested parties in presenting an even stronger case following the adoption of Worthing and Arun's Local Plans.
The hearing will be held at Worthing Town Hall from February 6 to February 8, February 13 to 15 and February 20 to 21.
Residents and community members were invited to register to speak or present evidence at the public inquiry last year.
I encourage anyone interested to attend when possible to listen to the important views shared.
I will be speaking shortly after the beginning of proceedings at 9:30am on Wednesday 7th February.
We are united in supporting sensible developments of vital, new, good-quality homes and resisting attempts to over every green gap and community space in our already tightly bounded local area.
If you would like to sign up to the Goring Gap Campaign updates list, you can do so here: http://eepurl.com/iHLHK-/